Ruth's Diary



2 weeks ago to this day I bought a PS4. I always knew I would buy a PS4 at some point, it was just a question of when and for what game. It ended up being for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes. (It would be a Metal Gear entry that pushes me into getting the next gen console, wouldn't it?) Now, for whatever reason, the PS4 version of this game isn't available as a hard copy disc in the Czech Republic, so I figured I'd just download the thing.

Problem: After spending some time setting up my PS4 and my profile, I decided to get my Playstation Plus subscription, since on the PS4 you have to have Plus in order to play online and other such things. So I thought: let's get it out of the way. So I try to buy from the PS4...whoops, the last time I had paid anything with my card was before my wallet had been stolen, obviously the information was out of date. Now, my bank had sent me 2 replacement cards for some reason, so I picked one...nope, didn't work. I picked the other. Oh good, I added some funds to my PSN wallet, so it works. Now let's try using this card to pay for my Playstation Plus subscription. I got an error code. I tried this more times, nothing.

So I research the web. It turns out this problem was first reported by a Norwegian user some months ago, possibly during the initial launch. It turns out that Sony puts up a security block on an account if the monitoring system detects multiple attempts at a transaction. So usual recommendation was to wait 24 hours, as well as delete and add the billing information again. Also, might try using a card for purchases at the browser version of the PSN. So this is what I try to do, still nothing. I decide to leave it alone and wait. It's also worth remembering that another suggestion was to purchase PSN cards at a shop and then use them to top up the PSN wallet with credit. But I don't know where to get PSN cards around here.

So on Monday (day 3) I still see I cannot add funds with my debit card. I call Sony's customer support. I was told by the helpful customer service rep (Sony's customer service is pretty good I must say) that she could see a block had been placed on my account and I should wait 48 hours before it's lifted. So I wait until Wednesday. Actually, on Wednesday I had no energy to try again, on account of me getting a bad cold and feeling awful. I try again Thursday morning, early. Still an error shows up. Now I prepare to go to work, but I contact my team leader, saying honestly I feel awful and she tells me to stay home. I end up taking 2 days off work for sick leave, so guess how I spend my time? On this crap of course!

So on that Thursday, I am then told by a different Customer Service rep that the security block is no longer there and the block seems to be coming from the card issuer aka. my bank. I found this hard to believe as Smile would never just block my card without consulting me first...right? Turned out I was wrong. Bank lifted the block. So I try again. Still not possible. I call Sony again, a different rep tells me that it still takes a short while for all systems to get updated when a block is lifted from a card, so I'm advised to wait another hour (I waited at least 2), add my card details again and then try. Still didn't work.

When I called the rep the next day, talking it over, it turned out there was only one last method at my disposal available for adding funds to my wallet: Paypal. Since I rarely use Paypal I...accidentally added funds to the account the slowest way imaginable. Go me ^^;;

So a week later, the funds are finally added to my Paypal and only today could I finally subscribe to Playstation Plus. And only today do I finally have some games to play! I have Resogun, which has been on my radar for a while (and like Flower for the PS3, was on my 'will definitely download first' list) and Mercenary Kings, which is free for Plus users. I haven't got round to downloading Ground Zeroes yet, but rather than starting on that game, I think I'll tinker with the ones I have for now :).

This afternoon I spent my time doing something more rewarding: walking through the woods with some friends and picking fresh wild garlic leaves.

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