Ruth's Diary


I haven't done an entry in so long!!! I was busy last 2 weeks (which was why a chapter missed its week and I put up 2 last week) and it's not just me: everyone seemed to be busy. Mum no more than usual. Nathan was busy with Zone Of The Enders 2
(PS2). Dad had a zillion meetings to go to and we went to extra choir rehearsals. But for many girls in my school last week meant coursework deadlines, so they had to hurry to get that finished.

FR33ZE put up another variety show to raise money and June agreed to be in it again. Being nervous we scheduled private extra rehearsals for ourselves. Our duet was the famous Belinda Carlisle song 'Heaven is a Place on Earth'. The audience went hopping mad. I sang 2 Christian songs to bring the audience some culture: 'Angels' Carol' by John Rutter and old latin hymn 'Pange Lingua'-mostly in the original latin (sang some English over the top). Thing is, before-show-rehearsal was squeezed into an hour: not enough. When you haven't rehearsed on stage your nerves get frayed. June rehearsed her solo but I rehearsed none of my songs (dance with the other seniors yes) so I forgot how fast Angels' Carol went and muffed up some of the performance. I'm just glad the audience didn't know the song. Pange Lingua was much better.

On Friday afternoon I was meant to hold a "company launch" (why the hell do they call it that?) where people can come along and try out some Aloe Vera products. Well actually I did hold one turned up. June had to come along to my school (because I've never held one) and she was very upset. More of her time was wasted than mine. That evening Dad and I went to that extra Choir rehearsal at the German Church.

This Saturday (4th February) is the 100th anniversary of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's birthday-one of Germany's national heroes. Last Sunday the service to commemorate was at the German Church-called the Dietrich Bonoeffer Church (he actually spent time in the old Church that stood there-ironically enough it was bombed by Germans during WW2). What I find typical of any super-special Church Service is that it runs over. Also so many people turned up it was tearful-but they ran out of service sheets. Included in the visitors was Janna and Alex (Aunt and Uncle), Uda (Dad's youngest sister and my Godmother) and Grossmutter and Grossvater. It was well-timed...until the too-long sermon, no matter how inspirational it might have been (I didn't bother to follow it). Then Communion took forever...inevitable when there's a lot of people. And I don't care if the 3rd hymn was Dietrich's favourite we didn't need to sing all 9 verses! (If it wasn't that one then another hymn had 9 verses-still didn't need to sing them). The service finally ended at 12:30 but then the representative of the German Embassy stood up and gave a speech. I would have been in a more respectful mood if I wasn't bored and hungry.

Uda complained that the service didn't facilitate the English people too well. Her old primary school teacher was there, as well as a local parish priest + wife and Nathan, who can only speak basic German and couldn't follow everything. Oh yeah and don't forget Alex (the Aussie).

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